Daisuki, Koishiteru, Aishiteru

 “daisuki”  (だいすき) even though it looks like a word, but in fact, it’s a sentence – a Simple sentence. Its usually used by teens.  It doesn’t translate to, “I love you.” No. This word translates more along the lines of, “I like you a lot.” It’s just a greater form of suki (すき) which means like. Placing dai (だい) in front of suki (すき) just shows how much you like it.  

“Koishiteru 恋してる) it used by people to express that they have feelings for someone. It basically means that, “I love someone.”

There’s one more word that has the same meaning with “daisuki” and “koishiteru” it’s called “aishiteru” (愛してる). This word has a really deep meaning. It’s usually used for a couple who has married and will live a life together until they part in death.

By : Litha Raeska Rafius


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